The definition of “innovation” as something new or better—a form of invention or iteration. I agree with the definition and believe in leadership iteration is an important concept to foster among subordinates. All leaders should promote growth and improvement in those that follow. Each leader is to build upon the strengths of employees and challenge the weaknesses. In leadership you have several opportunities and ability to create innovative ideas. For instance, if an employee has a weakness in technology or software, assigning work and responsibilities that includes in depth software usage. Another innovative leadership opportunity is to learn more about employee and implement new policies or responsibilities. Teaching is constantly evolving and reviewing lesson plans to include modern and more up to date references and activities with technology can lead to innovative teaching. As with teaching, we all evolve as well. As state in chapter 1, innovate or die, we personal learn and teach ourselves new innovative habits when learning. For instance, something as simple as watching a TV commercial and advertise a new cleaning product that makes cleaning less demanding and tiresome, we try. We constantly learn, intentionally and unintentionally. That is the true uniqueness with innovation.
To empower in my opinion is to support, encourage, and engage in the ideas someone else. Empower involves engagement and an action to promote a deed of another. To create this environment, we have to constantly develop lesson plans that offers students to voice their opinions and ideas with the opportunity to share with others. Old traditional pedagogy of lecture and responding is obsolete that have been transposed to critical thinking. Lecturing and then engaging students in different groups, tasks, or discussions does not create empowerment. The chapter states empowerment is created when ideas and skills feel valued; therefore when value is present in education, students and staff feel empowered to share and learn freely with each other.