Sokanu (pronounced so can you) is a career assessment analyzing personality, interests, and abilities that compares with career aspects and gives career recommendations based on the results at no cost. The assessment’s time frame ranges between 20-40 minutes that provides several in-depth reports. The assessment itself asks a series of questions and a person ranks in an 1 -5 category with 1 being hate and 5 being love. The website is also composed a database that includes over 700 careers listing the satisfaction rating-my personal favorite rating, salary, growth % and education requirement.
This assessment is a great tool for self-reflection. I was astonished to find the results are reported based on Holland’s six personality traits. It provides more detain regarding oneself, which I think is the single most important aspect in career counseling. Before you can assist someone to achieve job satisfaction, they have to know themselves first. Therefore, I believe this assessment can you great tool for high schoolers and undeclared majors. It can be used as verification for those that have determined their career path; however I wouldn’t spend 30-45 minutes on an assessment with someone who has professed a career path.
FYI- Sokanu also ranks careers each year and announced in Forbes magazine –Career counselors ranked #8 as highest satisfactory job! Woo Hoo! See link below.